New deputy editor of Session Cases
19 Mar

Timothy Young
THE new deputy editor of Session Cases has been named as Timothy Young, Advocate.
Mr Young’s appointment follows two recent changes, in which Julius Komorowski, Advocate, resigned as editor of Session Cases on becoming a salaried tribunal judge at the Immigration and Asylum Chamber, and his position was taken by Emma Toner, Advocate, who had been deputy editor. She is the first woman to hold the editorship.
Session Cases are published by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting (SCLR) and are recognised as the most authoritative Scottish law reports. The SCLR also supports work to make Scottish legal sources more widely available, and its membership includes representatives of the judiciary and both branches of the legal profession.
Mr Young has been a reporter for Session Cases since 2014. He became a member of Faculty in 2013, after time as a solicitor with a large commercial law firm. His practice at the Bar centres on commercial and public law disputes.