Snakes alive! Gold bracelet donated to Christmas Collection
09 Dec

ORGANISERS of the Faculty’s Christmas Collection have been delighted by a generous donation of a valuable unique piece of jewellery.
The gold bracelet has been put up for auction in an attempt to raise as much as possible for food and essentials for vulnerable families.
Experts have confirmed the bracelet, a double-headed snake design with red stones, is gold of between 18 and 22 karats.
Bidding will be open until 16 December, and can be made to
All this week, donations for the Collection can be handed in at Faculty Reception in Parliament House, Edinburgh, or on Saturday morning (14 December), and everything will be delivered to the family support charity, Home-Start Glenrothes, in the afternoon.
Maria Maguire, QC, is organising the Collection. She is looking for presents for adults as well as for children so that the whole family can enjoy Christmas together.
“There is so much pressure on families at this time and heartbreak for children and parents when it’s a stark choice between heating and food or presents. Members of Faculty and staff, and friends and family, have been so generous in past years and are really embracing this. I have been moved by the generosity of those who hear about it. A chance conversation means that the staff at Gant on George Street have become involved and are collecting and donating,” she said.
“Sadly, our help is needed desperately more than ever and can ensure a family unit survives. We welcome all types of donations - new toys, books, games, clothes, perfumes or treats like selection boxes and tins of biscuits.
“We also put cash donations to great use. They buy vouchers for food and provide an emergency fund to help families in urgent need, and pay for days out in the summer which can be a family’s only holiday. All the donations are ring-fenced for the needs of the families. Cash can be donated anytime. “
Full details here