Victims’ Commissioner mooted by Faculty

02 Dec


The Faculty has suggested to MSPs that they look again at establishing a Victims’ Commissioner in Scotland.

The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee sought views on draft Victims’ Rights (Scotland) Regulations, which have been tabled by the Scottish Government.

The Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Act 2014 part-implemented the EU’s Victims’ Rights Directive and ministers believe that the regulations, if agreed, would implement all remaining obligations under the Directive

In a Response, the Faculty said: “Whether the aim of the measures, as set out in the policy statement of ‘clear, enforceable rights…’, has been achieved, is perhaps debatable.”

It added: “We consider that a ‘Victims’ Commissioner’ might now be considered in order to: (a) coordinate the various rights and obligations across the competent authorities; (b) deal with complaints that have not been satisfactorily resolved; (c) review the Code; and (d) enforce the Regulations. (We note that the Victims’ Commissioner (Scotland) Bill 2010, fell, but that such a body has been introduced in England and Wales and elsewhere).”

The Response is at