R McClelland

Ross McClelland K.C.

Year of Call: 2011

Year of Silk: 2024


University of Aberdeen LL.B. (Hons)

University of Cambridge LL.M. Commercial & European Law

University of Edinburgh Diploma in Legal Practice

Special interests

Company and commercial

Land Law

Professional liability and regulation


Ross has a broad practice focusing mainly on commercial law.  He has particular interests in property litigation and professional negligence. 

Recent work has included:

General commercial
• Commercial contract disputes
• Restrictive covenants and confidentiality (interim interdicts and dawn raids)
• Sale of goods
• Product liability
• Recovery of evidence under the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975

Property law
• Rectification
• Warrandice
• Rent review
• Dilapidations and statutory repair scheme disputes
• Mobile phone mast litigation (Electronic Communications Code)
• Validity of commercial lease notices
• Service charge
• Single survey litigation

Professional negligence
• Pursuer and defender
• Mortgage lender claims against solicitors and surveyors
• High-value claim arising from defective rent review clause

Before calling to the Bar, Ross worked for 9 years as a commercial litigation solicitor with one of Scotland's large commercial law firms.

In addition to his court appearance and advisory work, he has represented clients at mediation, third party expert determination and arbitration.