Paul Nelson

Paul M. Nelson K.C.

Year of Call: 2004

Year of Silk: 2022

Optimum Advocates


LL.B (Hons) University of Glasgow

Dip LP University of Glasgow

Diploma in Forensic Medicine, Society of Apothecaries

Special interests


Public and fatal accident inquiries


Stable telephone number

0141 370 8669

Angela Bath

Laura Kenney

Nicole Ferguson


Since calling, he has built a busy practice, as junior alone and as leading junior, in criminal cases throughout the courts of Scotland, both at first instance and at appellate level, in relation to such varied matters as murder, fraud, Firearms Act offences, Terrorism Act offences, Data Protection Act offences, rape, drug trafficking and armed robbery.

Paul called at the Bar in 2004, having practised for a decade as both a criminal defence solicitor and as a procurator fiscal, during which time he gained considerable experience in the preparation of cases, and advocacy at both summary and solemn level.  Part of that experience included allocation to the dedicated Fraud Unit at the Procurator Fiscal's Office, Glasgow.

He has a particular interest in the application and limitations of DNA evidence in criminal trials, trial theory and the crime of fraud.