G Jones

Gareth Jones K.C.

Year of Call: 2011

Year of Silk: 2022


LL.B. (Hons) Law with Spanish Aberystwyth University 2001

(including one year spent at the University of Salamanca, Spain)

Diploma in Bar Vocational Course Cardiff University 2002

Awarded the Middle Temple 'Campbell Turner' Prize

Special interests


Immigration and asylum

Post Conviction Proceedings

Regulatory Proceedings


Stable telephone number

0131 260 5829

Lee-Anne Black

Emma Stoker

Steven Burns


Gareth is dual qualified, having practiced as a Barrister in Manchester between 2002-2011.

During that time, he specialised in criminal trials and appeals for both the prosecution and defence, appearing in Crown Courts throughout the United Kingdom and in the Royal Courts of Justice, London. Having cross-qualified to the Scottish Bar in 2011, Gareth has since developed a busy criminal defence practice through regular appearances in the High Court. In recognition of his experience and ability, he was appointed King’s Counsel in 2022.

In addition to his extensive court experience, Gareth has substantial judicial experience, gained through his work as a Tribunal Judge of the Immigration & Asylum Chamber, the Social Entitlement Chamber and through sitting as a Convener of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland. In 2022, he was appointed a part-time Sheriff. He also acts as a Legal Advisor to regulators in the context of professional disciplinary proceedings.


HMA v Mitchell & Curtis [2023]

HMA v Lewis Ross [2022]

The Secretary of State for the Home Department against “KS” [2022]

General Teaching Council for Scotland and “RL” [2021]


Tribunal Judge First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber (2023-present)

Part-time Sheriff (2022-present)

Convener of Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (2018-present)

Legal Advisor: General Teaching Council for Scotland (2016-present)

Legal Advisor: Nursing and Midwifery Council (2016-present)

Tribunal Judge First-Tier Tribunal Immigration & Asylum Chamber (2015-present)

AD-hoc Advocate Depute - first appointed in April 2015

Tribunal Judge of the First-Tier Tribunal Social Entitlement Chamber (2014-present)