Colin Edward K.C.

Year of Call: 2010

Year of Silk: 2024


LL.B University of Strathclyde

MA(Hons) University of Aberdeen

Special interests


Land Law

Personal Injury

Professional liability and regulation


Colin enjoys a busy practice both in employment law and in other areas of private law and he appears very regularly in the employment tribunal and EAT.

Clients have included major employers, trade unions and private individuals. He is equally happy to appear for employees or employers. Recent instruction has included cases involving whistleblowing, disability discrimination, TUPE and the territorial jurisdiction of the ET. He is also regularly instructed in restrictive covenant actions and has successfully appeared at short notice for clients both seeking and resisting interim interdict in the Court of Session. Colin enjoys regular instruction in personal injury actions both in the Sheriff Court and Court of Session. He also maintains a general practice in other areas of private law, for example recently appearing successfully in the Sheriff Court in breach of contract claims and in the SSSC successfully defending a client accused of professional misconduct.